Fluid is blocked. Clear the tiles to let the fluid get to the receivers.
The Fluid is an ethereal substance that flows seemingly infinitely from tiles denoted as SOURCES. Your objective is to guide the fluid to cells denoted as Receivers/Ends, denoted by diamond symbols instead of the squares most other tiles have.
The camera has three modes. In all modes, it will center on a specific tile. The modes are as follows:
- Fluid Depth - Choose the tile that maximizes the minimum Fluid distance to any source.
- End - Choose the fluid tile that has minimum Traversal distance to the chosen endpoint.
- Source (SRC) - Choose the fluid tile that has maximum Fluid distance from the chosen source.
Fluid Distance is the length of the shortest path of contiguous Fluid Tiles between two Fluid Tiles, and Traversal Distance is the shortest path length of contiguous Tiles between two Tiles.
LMB to drag and select chains of tiles. Some tiles cannot be selected.
RMB to change the camera mode. Middle mouse button to change the anchor point for the camera in certain modes.
F to toggle the pulsing of tiles and mechanisms - There are four modes. (Pulsing does not work on the web version unfortunately). SHIFT+P to quit to the menu. CTRL+SHIFT+X to quit the game.
The game will automatically reshuffle random symbols to selectable tiles if it detects that there are no legal moves onscreen. (Some tiles are predetermined and irreplaceable.)
- The current build has 8 levels. All of them are accessible from the start. It is however highly recommended to play through them in order.
- The font in this game is a custom font designed by its creator.
- Some animations might not work on the web version. (Those are purely visual -- the gameplay is unaffected.) For best results it is highly recommended to download this game.
- A few levels contain concepts seen in the inspiration for this game.
- Level Editor?
- Decoration objects and more bgs/music
Game created by NormalExisting. Inspired by 4 Elements by Playrix.
Pulsing objects based on Geometry Dash (I use them a lot.)
Certain progression things inspired by The Witness
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